Crime News Results near Mount Alto, WV

  • Other


    6100 block of huntington rd, gallipolis ferry, wv
    Veh Pursuit. U/D: Vehicle crashed on US Route 35 bridge at Ohio state line in wrong way traffic, Request EMS & FD
  • Other


    6100 block of huntington rd, gallipolis ferry, wv
    Veh Pursuit. DPS & MCSO in Pursuit of Unk Vehicle, Speeds 120, Advising Suspect is Dangerous
  • Shooting


    4700 block of evansview rd, evans, wv
    Shooting/Stabbing. JCSO & JEMS o/s Male with GSW to Head, Confirmed Fatal Injury, Unknown Suspect
  • Other


    1200 block of fore drive, sissonville
    Perp Search/Chase. KCSO o/s of disturbance, male running on foot, possibly wanted, requesting additional units.
  • Other


    Greer rd, point pleasant
    Veh Pursuit. U/D: Vehicle stopped 19942 Charleston Rd in Buffalo, Putnam County after spike strips, 2 in Custody
  • Other


    Greer rd, point pleasant
    Veh Pursuit. WVSP in Pursuit of Blue Chrysler toward Ripley Rd, 50 MPH, Additional Units Enroute, Unknown Wants
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    107.5 i77 north, sissonville
    Veh Pursuit. U/D: vehicle crashed out in the 3400 block of Falcon Drive, one suspected in custody.
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    107.5 i77 north, sissonville
    Veh Pursuit. KCSO & WVSP in pursuit of mustang, stolen vehicle, speeds 120+
  • Other


    Old tuppers creek rd and call rd, sissonville
    Perp Search/Chase. KCSO in Area Searching for Wanted Subject - Drone Launched - Unk Description
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    Andover ln and sissonville dr, sissonville
    Veh Pursuit. KCSO in pursuit of four wheeler, heading out Grapevine Rd, additional units enroute.
  • Other


    Coal river rd and fairview dr, saint albans, wv
    Veh Pursuit. KCSO in pursuit of 4Runner, wanted for improper registration, headed West on Fairlview Dr
  • Other


    Coal river rd and fairview dr, saint albans, wv
    Veh Pursuit. U/D: Veh. stopped on Kanawha St, suspect bailed on foot, running on Kanawha Street